Pulsworks Audio Arts Recording Studios are all about helping people experience the best possible recording of their own music. With a wealth of knowledge about the way the human ear perceives and interprets sound the engineering team at Pulsworks can change how people experience their own music. While also the owner of Pulsworks Audio Arts, Dr. David Puls is a trained musician and has been a professional sound engineer for more than thirty five years. David’s mission is to help people hear and experience their own music in ways they never imagined possible. |
The Pulsworks Recording Studios offers a unique approach to making recordings. We believe that recording is an art and that in many ways it is a dying art—and this is not acceptable. Over the years we have taken on numerous apprentices to train in the art of recording. Many people think that if they go to a local music store and purchase Pro Tools (the industry standard software) that they are therefore a recording engineer. This may be true in the simplest of ways but, from our experience, it is very far from the truth. Making a great recording is not so much about buttons and dials or manipulating software—it is so much more! Our approach to recording is one that creatively brings art and science together to make recordings that allow the artist to shine in the best possible ways. Throwing a bunch of tracks together will certainly produce a recording, but you can be robbed of what you should be able to experience. It is so unfortunate that a significant part of our culture believes that iPhones with MP3 files are as good as it gets—and they only produce a tiny fraction of what is possible. Poor recordings reinforce poor sound expectation and people assume that’s all there is. |
C.S. Lewis, British literature scholar mused about children growing up in the slums of East London. They never ventured farther than a few blocks from their home and would never know the joy of a “holiday at the sea”—they had no concept of what it means to have fun at the beach. It’s the same with us. We are far too easily pleased with what we think we know about recording and we are just fine with the impoverishment of our own expectations. When people hear how music is really meant to be experienced, many have come to tears. They simply never knew that their music could sound like this. We want to give them a “holiday at the sea” experience. Music as it was meant to be heard captivates and transforms us—it can be life changing. |
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with simply liking poorly recorded music. People with minimal skills make recording like that all the time. But for people who appreciate a great recording, it’s like they’re finally hearing their music for the very first time. Experiencing music in all of its beauty is what Pulsworks Studios and our engineering team are all about. |